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صورة الكاتب: ءبيت البيطرىءبيت البيطرى

تطعيم ثمانى vanguard plus 5/cv-l vanguard plus 5 تطعيم الثمانى للكلاب For dogs 6 weeks of age or older. Give1 ml of vanguard lM or SC. Give 3 doses,each 3 weeks apart. If primary vaccination is given after 9 weeks of age, give 2 doses, 3 weeks apart. Annual revaccination with asingle dose is recommended. not for pregnant bitches Against Canine distemper Canine parvo virus Canine adeno virus 1 Canine adeno virus 2 Canine para influenza Canine corona virus leptospira canicola Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae تطعيم الثمانى للكلاب للكلاب عند عمر 45 يوم يعطى ثلاث جرعات بينهم 21 يوم . عند اعطاء التطعيم اول مرة عند عمر اكبر من شهرين نعطى جرعتين بينهم 21 يوم. يتم تكرار التطعيم بعد ذلك كل عام. لا يفضل اعطاؤة للكلاب الحوامل لتجنب الاجهاض . نصيحة طبية : لا يتم اعطاء التطعيم للكلاب المريضة او الضعيفة او فى حالة الحرارة المرتفعة . يتم متابعة الكلب بعد التطعيم فى حالة ارتفاع الحرارة او ضعف الشهية . MORE INFO PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION: Vanguard* Plus 5/CV-L is a freeze-dried, multi-antigen, modified-live vaccine with a Leptospira bacterin, it has an inactivated adjuvanted coronavirus fraction as its diluent, and stimulates the immune system of healthy dogs. STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Store between 2 °C and 7 °C. Do not freeze. INDICATIONS: Vanguard Plus 5/CV-L is for the vaccination of healthy dogs 6 weeks of age or older as an aid in preventing canine distemper caused by canine distemper (CD) virus, infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) caused by canine adenovirus type 1 (CAV-1), respiratory disease caused by canine adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2), canine parainfluenza (CPI) virus, canine parvoviral enteritis caused by canine parvovirus (CPV), corona viral enteritis caused by canine corona virus (CCV) and leptospirosis caused by Leptospira canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae. WARNINGS: Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Vaccination of pregnant bitches should be avoided. If anaphylaxis or hypersensitivity occurs following use, administer adrenaline or equivalent. Without such treatment, serious reactions may result in death. This vaccine has been shown to be efficacious but some dogs may be unable to develop or maintain an adequate immune response following vaccination if they are, for example, incubating any infectious disease,are malnourished or parasitized, or are stressed due to transport or adverse environmental conditions, or otherwise immunocompromised, or the vaccine is not administered according to label directions. Although this product has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, notify the registration holder. PRECAUTIONS: Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures may adversely affect potency. Use entire contents when first opened. Sterilized syringes and needles should be used to administer this vaccine. Do not sterilize with chemicals because traces of disinfectant may inactivate the vaccine. Admixing of the vaccine with any other may render it ineffective. Burn containers and all unused contents. Contains gentamycin and methiolate as preservatives. DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed. Aseptically rehydrate the freeze-dried vaccine with the liquid preparation of inactivated CCV. General Directions: Vaccination of healthy dogs and puppies is recommended. Shake well. Aseptically administer 1 ml subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Primary vaccination: Healthy dogs 6 weeks of age or older should receive 3 doses, each administered 3 weeks apart. If puppies are vaccinated at 10-12 weeks of age for the first time only two vaccinations, 3-4 weeks apart, need to be given at the veterinarians discretion. Revaccination: Annual revaccination with a single dose is recommended. IDENTIFICATION: Vanguard* Plus 5/CV-L is presented as a mixture of lyophilised, attenuated strains of CD virus, CAV-2, CPI virus and CPV propagated on established canine cell lines, with a bacterin containing Leptospira canicola and L.icterohaemorrhagiae, the diluent is the inactivated coronavirus fraction which is bottled seperately but packaged with the other

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